I Haven’t Traveled Much But Now I Have Traveled Far

Small town living creates a certain thought process, one that you are aware of and one you aren’t. The ideas you form in your mind of life in different areas, even if educated in these areas, is smaller than what that life is really like. The capability to really see a country or culture without stepping into it, is difficult at best for anyone.

 To travel to an unknown place with totally open mind, open eyes and an open heart, well it can hurt and be exhilarating and beautiful at the same time. The poverty and yet bright eyes and smiles filled with happiness and gratitude that you are in their country and learning about their culture. Every corner you turn every person you meet, almost everything you see is filled with things to learn and grow. No habits, no normal routine, you have to be aware of everything. It is like being a child again, not knowing the language, the culture, really anything and that creates an innocent childlike wonder.

 I haven’t traveled much, but now I have traveled far and my heart is more full and my mind has places that I didn’t know were curious, just screaming for more.

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