The Adventure Continues

The adventure continues and it is time to say goodbye to Cambodia and hello to Thailand.  We are packed and ready, the tuk tuk driver that brought us from the airport is picking us up after breakfast and taking us to the airport for  our flight to Bangkok then on to Phuket.


The ride to the airport with the same views I saw the day I came in feel so different now.  I feel like I am seeing them with different eyes and processing it all so differently.  The day I came into Cambodia I could definitely say I was having a little culture shock.  The poverty I saw as I rode by having no story to go with it, no connection to what their life was like in Cambodia felt different than it does now.  I now have stories and a very small understanding and it makes me see things differently and I smile.  I am very excited to be going to Thailand but I also am a little sad to leave here.  It feels so different here and I know I could continue to learn so much more by being here.  To best explain it is to say that all of my senses are on overload in such a positive way.  I see, hear, smell everything it feels like and that is overwhelming and incredible at the same time.  I feel like someone switched an on button to a part of me that just sleeps in habit and norm. I understand more why people  travel so far and can honestly say even just the week of being here was worth the long flight to get here.




Thailand here we come, well after two flights and a few hours.   The flight from Bangkok to Phuket was not fun at all and bumpy and loud and kind of miserable.  The people behind us were screaming or at least it seemed and unfortunately their conversation was odd and annoying instead of interesting.  They were two young adults and spoke english headed to Phuket as well, together however they didn’t really know each other.  Getting off the plane in Thailand the airport was busy and people everywhere and figuring out where to go and how to get a ride while trying to calculate the money piece of it so we didn’t pay way too much.  The Thai bat is about $3 U.S. for each $100 bat.  We were welcomed at the hotel by everyone instantly and that feeling was there every day we were there.  The resort was large and beautiful and right on the ocean.  The waters green and waves pounding in and we are set back in a cove so mountains surrounding us, so beautiful!



What will our time here be like, looking forward to exploring and relaxing and enjoying more time with Megan.


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