Disconnect to Connect

The noise of life, it is everywhere surrounding us in our daily lives more and more every day.  We have the world at our fingertips and it is there to make life easier with information only a second away with an internet search.  Almost everyone we know has a phone and it is most likely very close by so we can deliver a message instantly to someone and this saves us time, or at least that is the perception.  Our work, we can take it with us and for anyone in a field of work that needs to be away from the office this was a welcome and what felt like needed change.  It allows us the ability to be responsive and move things along quicker.  When these and the many other conveniences came along with the smart phone, it was exciting for most and we couldn’t wait to discover the apps and integrate this new faster, smarter, “more convenient” way to live into our lives.

The faster, smarter more convenient way to live is fully here and has been integrating its way into our daily lives more and more and more with each passing day.  We are connected to the world and everything we need right there in that little device that has become attached to most.  I believe this connection to the world is creating a disconnect among many and pulling us from the here and now and taking our focus from most important to the latest and loudest.  I just need to say, I love my iPhone and the capabilities that I have at my fingertips and I also hate my iPhone at times for the distraction to living that it creates.  Let’s face it, technology is addicting and I can honestly say I am addicted to my phone and not near as much as what I see around me but it is creating stresses in my life that are hard to find a way to control because the noise is always there.  There are texts, emails, social media, reminders and even the occasional phone calls with real human interaction although this is becoming more and more rare.

The noise is here now and the issue it is creating is becoming harder to ignore.  As humans we need connection, it is part of how we were made.  The connection that social media can provide is amazing and wonderful and the ability to text our loved ones a simple message if we can’t speak to them can make someones day.   These are all wonderful things but if we are unable to see the addiction and the way that it is also pulling us out of our lives and interaction and real connection with others right in front of us, is it worth it?  I see families at dinner and the children are on the phone or the iPad instead of discussing their day or laughing while playing tic tac toe on a napkin.  That connection is needed for children and it is needed for adults.    The consequences of less human interaction through face to face discussion and learning to relate to each other and our lack of ability to focus on one item are going to be real and create a whole new set of problems if we aren’t careful.

How can we change the course that we are on and still live in this wonderful world of technology, love our smart phones but also accept that they do present dangers and respect that?  I believe getting back to some basics of focus by doing small things every day to not allow our phones to rule our day.  We don’t have to respond to everything right away, we can post that picture of our food from dinner but wait until you are alone or home and not sitting across the table from your friend you see once a month.  We can find time during the work day to turn off our phones and work without distraction for a period of time, find focus and be much more productive.  We don’t have to make drastic changes to create enough of a change to adjust the path we are on.  Find a way to disconnect and really connect to your loved ones and respect technology for what it does provide but at the same time look up and really see what is right in front of you and on the path ahead and know that deserves attention.  I know I am going to work on this and be grateful for the moments I am fully present in the world right in front of me and not the one in my hand.



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