Take a Chance On You

I wonder what is at the base of the need that most of us seem to have of fitting in, of being like everyone else. We are all created different and within that difference is our unique offering to this world but yet at the core we find ourselves fitting in instead of following our own step. When I stop to think about when that starts or why, I can’t find the answer. I remember being very young and always feeling a little out of step with everyone and not sure why but instead of that being okay, it felt wrong and it felt like I needed to fix that. It affected my confidence but I didn’t know it then of course. I was young and fitting in seemed like the way to do it. In elementary school the ones that are different get picked on by the group as a whole and quite often that quiets their uniqueness and their voice. This one that thinks a little outside the box is suddenly quieted by a larger group of the “normal” children. Do we even notice this or think about why that is? I know I didn’t, until now. I have always felt a little different and in that felt shame or embarrassment instead of pride and anticipation of finding out what that uniqueness meant I could offer this world.
Moving forward into adulthood I find some patterns that just happen and we slide so easily into those patterns, habits and “normal” way of being and we move along as everyone else does during the day. What if we stopped that on some level and actually questioned why we do the things we do and shift them somewhat. Consider a work day where you find a new way to do an important task instead of doing it the way everyone does. Is it possible to take a chance that maybe somewhere inside of our awkwardness and vulnerability is the chance to make a real impact on this world? Why does it have to be done the way it has always been done? Go from no experience to a master because you can if you allow yourself. You can actually set a precedent and discover new ways. You can bit by bit allow your unique self to follow your own way and maybe find a new path.
There is no real opportunity in fitting in, the real opportunity comes when you step to your own step and find your own path and before you know it people are wanting to fit into your way instead of the other way around and just like that you are changing the world and making it a better place. All because you took a chance on you. flower2

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