The Power of Connection


Solid in who we are yet learning and growing every day. We have these phases and people in our lives and I don’t even know if we are totally aware while we are in them, but looking back it is so clear how they make us who we are.
I became aware standing in a room filled with grieving people of varying ages gathered together to celebrate the life of someone that passed way too young and there were tears and smiles and the common theme of connection weaved its way through the sea of faces. Some were strangers to each other and some were the closest of family and friends and within that, the closest of friends that were slowly becoming strangers to each other due to the passing of time as each was living out their daily lives spanning out across miles.
It hit me how much impact we have on each others lives and how critically important human connection is from true love to the simplest of gestures like a smile from a stranger. We grow into who we are through each moment of our life and our interactions with our best friend, spouse or nemesis each step along our journey. As a mom I knew how important their friends were and I always understood the power it held in a way but it wasn’t until standing in this room filled with shared grief that I was able to truly see the power of connection, the power that every moment in our lives comes together to make us the people we are. I am grateful for every person that was part of their lives and mine as they grew from the sweet innocent beautiful baby in my arms to the caring, compassionate, smart young adults they are today. That smile the young man shared every day of his life with so many, his love of life and desire to make everyone feel like they were the most special person in the world at any given moment, it filled the room. The connection flowed so heavy, they all had lost this connector, their light. I found myself in a strange place of watching like I wasn’t there at times and wondering do they feel it, do they feel him in the room and his smile. I did and I will never forget it, the peace of a connection made that will carry many through their lives in very unique and special ways.
I hope they find some peace in knowing him, in being a part of a special persons journey that ended too soon and I hope they take the light he shared with so many and let it grow them. I hope they allow the vulnerability that sharing requires and grow from their place of pain and loss. I know I have grown from knowing the young man and will never forget what he gave to his friends, my children and so many others, which was a complete acceptance and friendship that had no strings attached and no selfish motives only a heart felt desire to make people feel special.
I know I am going to share more and be vulnerable and realize the power it holds, the smile to the stranger as we pass and the expression of gratitude to people who touch my life. I will hold my loved ones closer and allow the moments that let others in.
Without love and connection life can be so empty and the power of connection grows within the vulnerability. Be open, share, and do it knowing you may never know how much impact you hold but it is there every day because you are special and when you don’t hide from that, the world benefits.
In memory of a very special young man who wants everyone to Keep on, Keepin’ on. May he rest in peace and God Bless all those who are feeling the pain of his loss.

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2 Responses to The Power of Connection

  1. Anonymous says:

    Beautiful! Thank you for sharing and trusting ❤️


  2. Aunt Jean says:

    Beautiful words, Kim. You have a very special way with words! 😘😘


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