The Fog of Uncertainty

JI 2015

The fog of uncertainty can hit even the most goal oriented driven people and when it comes it hits hard and can paralyze you if you let it. Change is everywhere and there really is no way to avoid it. I laugh because I know that and I am even someone who doesn’t completely hate change and knows it place and yet somehow I find myself paralyzed anyway during certain times. Why is that? As a positive minded goal oriented person I think I roll so easily with change and keep denying its effect on me until I can’t deny it any longer and like a tidal wave it hits me. Do you ever wonder, is the answer right there and easy to see and because we get so comfortable in our secure place that we don’t see the good right in front of us? I know I am a creature of habit, we all are really and when a lot of things change the fear hits. Our certain world suddenly opening up to intrusion and uncertainty and suddenly we can feel like a turtle retreating in his shell wanting to hide.

I find myself wanting to be let down in myself for getting that paralyzed feeling and allowing myself to be stuck, but that certainly does not do any good. That is like throwing a brick on top of the solution and it becomes even harder to move. The answer is action, and maybe not big huge steps or action that feels life changing or certain but just action. Taking a step even if you are unsure if it is the right one, taking it anyway and allowing it to provide a little power for the next one. With some movement and action comes a little power and some momentum and slowly that fog can lift a little and you see more and more of each step. Those goals and that drive will start to resurface, it didn’t really go anywhere it was always there. I think these times are necessary to allow a balance to fall in so we can take the time to make sure we are in alignment with our purpose and rest some before we push hard for the next phase.

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1 Response to The Fog of Uncertainty

  1. Anonymous says:

    You know that phrase, “If you’re not growing you’re dying…..”? The place right before you start growing is sometimes so uncomfortable—- feels sad and dull. For me, it usually means I’m resisting a truth. I think life should be different and instead of taking action, like you said you know you need to do, I keep focusing on what I wish was different (what I can’t change). I resist…I battle against what is happening. And it’s an ingrained habit that wears me down every…. Single…. Time…..until I finally accept it and look at it and admit where I’m allowing myself to get hurt and even accept that it does hurt me or scare me. It seems like only then, am I able to start moving forward again… Get unstuck…. Feel God’s lightness again. Love you!

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