Category Archives: Lean In

The Fog of Uncertainty

The fog of uncertainty can hit even the most goal oriented driven people and when it comes it hits hard and can paralyze you if you let it. Change is everywhere and there really is no way to avoid it. … Continue reading

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The Power of Connection

Solid in who we are yet learning and growing every day. We have these phases and people in our lives and I don’t even know if we are totally aware while we are in them, but looking back it is … Continue reading

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Take a Chance On You

I wonder what is at the base of the need that most of us seem to have of fitting in, of being like everyone else. We are all created different and within that difference is our unique offering to this … Continue reading

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The Little Bits of Information Are Big

I read a lot and feel like I learn from what I read and I am sure I do but then I also know some of it goes in and even though it strikes me as I read it, I … Continue reading

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Disconnect to Connect

The noise of life, it is everywhere surrounding us in our daily lives more and more every day.  We have the world at our fingertips and it is there to make life easier with information only a second away with … Continue reading

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Mountains and Beaches

Mountains and beaches, two of my very favorite things and Thailand has plenty of both.  The weather was not the best for my visit and it did not matter in the least. Even though we didn’t get to do some of … Continue reading

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Take Time to Block The Noise

I am in awe of the beauty of things when I take the time to stop and really enjoy.  I don’t want to always be rushing and focused on a world everywhere but where I am.  There is so much … Continue reading

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Simple Stop Time Moments

Swinging to the breeze of life, floating on air and smiling at the sun.  This is a blessed life I lead and with the sun warm on my face and the breeze swaying me in the wind I lay cradled … Continue reading

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Better Than Perfect

I run slower than a turtle in mud but I get out there and do what I can.  I have always had this issue with needing to do something perfect and I would allow myself to say at times that … Continue reading

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Share the Beauty of You

Do you wade in the shallow waters of life or swim deep in the ocean?  The depths of the ocean have so much mystery, much like the depths of our own souls.  Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable in life and … Continue reading

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